Unleashing Curiosity with Dynamic Cooperation

Unleashing Curiosity with Dynamic Cooperation

Publication date: 2018
ISBN: 978-0-9993549-4-0

Group work helps students remember more of what they learn—and teaches them lifelong social skills in the process.

But teachers can’t approach grouping passively; planning and a commitment to collaboration are needed to ensure meaningful activities and orderly transitions in the classroom. This 8-page durable guide offers tips and tools teachers can use to help students deepen their learning through cooperation.

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Title information

Cooperative learning, often characterized by working in small groups, brings alive the adage “To teach is to learn.” It’s about instilling a culture of democracy as much as it is about mastering content—making it important training for career success. Part of our Curiosity Works® series, this 8-page durable guide summarizes the research supporting cooperative learning and provides strategies that teachers of all grade levels can use to show students that personal accountability and group dynamics are integral parts of the same learning process. McREL's Curiosity Works resources are based in part on a successful system-wide effort in Melbourne, Australia, that improved student achievement by helping teachers and school leaders develop precision without prescription, unleashing student curiosity.

Combining these insights with McREL’s analysis of best education practices from around the world, our Curiosity Works resources support a better way of transforming schools—not through top-down pressure, but by helping teachers and school leaders work together to develop shared professional expertise and leverage the power of motivation and curiosity.

Pages: 8
Language: English
Publisher: McREL International
Edition: First
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Our Unleashing Curiosity guides are part of McREL’s Curiosity Works® resources. Based in part on a successful system-wide effort in Melbourne, Australia, that improved student achievement by unleashing student curiosity, these resources give teachers and school leaders tips, suggestions, and ideas to encourage professional dialogue with other teachers and increase student curiosity. Combining these insights with McREL’s analysis of best education practices from around the world, our Curiosity Works resources support a better way of transforming schools—not through top-down pressure, but through helping teachers and school leaders work together to develop shared professional expertise and leverage the power of motivation and curiosity.