Quality Questioning

Quality Questioning

Quality Questioning

Research-Based Practice to Engage Every Learner

By: Jackie Acree Walsh, Beth Dankert Sattes

Publication date: 2016
ISBN: 978-1-5063288-7-4

Quality questioning in the classroom is a process that begins with preparing questions to engage all students in thinking and ends in the facilitation of student dialogue that deepens learning.

This new edition of Quality Questioning contains significant new research-based practices and insights, and organizes teacher practices around the 6 Ps framework: Prepare and Present the Question, Prompt Student Thinking, Process Student Responses, Polish Questioning Practices, and Partner with Students.


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Title information

An exciting new edition of this bestseller, Quality Questioning shows how teachers can energize teaching by integrating effective questioning strategies into daily classroom practice. Extending the authors’ thinking on the enduring principles introduced in the first edition, it includes new research-based practices and insights derived from knowledge gleaned from classroom teachers. The highly applicable, classroom-ready principles presented include:

  • Tools to develop student skills and create a classroom culture that nurtures thinking and learning
  • QR codes that link to more than 20 new videos (elementary through high school)
  • Strategies to support teachers’ personal reflection, classroom observations, and collaborative professional dialogue
Pages: 235
Language: English
Publisher: Corwin & McREL International
Edition: Second
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Jackie Acree Walsh

Jackie is an independent education consultant who works with the Alabama Best Practices Center helping networks of school and district teams, instructional partners, and superintendents enhance teaching and learning.

Education: Ph.D. University of Alabama; M.A.T. University of North Carolina; B.A. Duke University

Beth Dankert Sattes

As the co-developer of Questioning and Understanding to Improve Learning and Thinking (QUILT), Beth designs professional development for educators, focusing on her expertise in shared leadership for continuous school improvement.

Education: M.S. Peabody University (Vanderbilt); B.S. Vanderbilt University